Stadelman event offers free health services for women November 14, 2015 For Immediate Release ROCKFORD -- Women can obtain referrals for free mammograms and screenings for cervical cancer, free flu vaccinations, blood pressure readings, Body Mass Index (BMI) calculations and more at a Women's Health Fair being presented tomorrow by State Senator Steve Stadelman. Other free services include blood-glucose and cholesterol testing, pulse oximetry measurements, reflexology and message therapy. Complimentary refreshments and children's activities also are being provided for the event. When: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15 , 1-4 PM Where: YMCA Log Lodge, 200 Y Blvd., Rockford Stadelman was inspired to coordinate the health fair after meeting Dr. Sandy Goldberg, a breast cancer survivor and television health and nutrition commentator in Chicago. Dr. Goldberg founded A Silver Lining Foundation, which strives for equal access to respectful and dig...